An interesting discovery for you all:
Astronomers using the Spitzer Space Telescope have observed an astonishing double helix shaped nebula near the center of our Milky Way galaxy.
Astrology reports: "as above, so below....as within, so without".
This would stand as apretty amazing message to us celestial travelers - we are looking outside for what is already within us - coded celestial star-dust. Are we getting the message??
The Galactic Center - at 26Sag where this double-helix was discovered (take a look at the photo or read more here http://www.scienceagogo.com/news/20060216005544data_trunc_sys.shtml
is a very important point in space and 'time'. We really get a kick in the pants as PLUTO sits here right now - digging up things we thought we'd forgotten or perhaps never really remembered, or then again placed somewhere to remind us at the allotted time?
This news article is a secret wink to all who know, and an even stronger nudge to those who pretend.
We are all one. We are connected. Our inner DNA is now being found outside of us - we are wat we see and we all become the experiment we are witnessing.
Amazing. But then, we already knew that...
.... re - Member?
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