We reach the New Moon once more - this one landing in the sign of the Bull. If you've been keeping track of the blog, you'll know what Taurus represents - its the physical sign of the zodiac, earthy reality, the senses and all things relating to matter you can touch, mould, sculpt - from gardens, to haircuts, to massaging muscles to cooking to counting money.
Since the New Moon is an open door, we're invited for the next two weeks to ENJOY EDEN - whatever that is for you - a comfy fire, nice food, an expensive restaurant, a new pair of shoes, a walk in the park, a visit back to the ocean you haven't seen for years, a hug (are you being touched enough - if you can't get, Give!) satisfying sex, and so forth.
Where is your Eden?
We're not talking religion, we're talking being comfy in your own skin, where all true peace begins.
However, (isn't there always a 'but'...?!) this New Moon is a little trickier than usual.
For a start, Saturn isn't on good terms with this Moon. In Leo, we're feeling our egos being squeezed tight - government is pissing us off (saturn represents authority), red tape litters our path (Saturn is rules and regulation) we're not as high up the ladder as we'd like (Saturn is hierachy) and we have to use the proper means to get anything done - but the proper means is slow and doesn't seem to be working (Saturn is tradition). We're ready to tear our hair out when we're rather be having fun (Leo). In short - many things are getting in the way of us leading healthy, creative and childlike lives.
So, this New Moon we'd like to abandon ourselves to the pleasure principle but there are rules we need to follow, we sense. We can't just sink back and relax.
Now, throw in this aspect: the New Moon lies in opposition to Jupiter - the planet quite unlike Saturn. Jupiter is all about having more, doing more, being more. So we have a pull to indulge our senses, spend more, have more sex, go overboard in all areas of our life - Jupiter is in Scorpio remember, so more can get us in trouble.
Hitting the gym this week? Good luck if you're trying to LOSE weight! If anything, do more cardio and cut down on stuffing your face! Addicts be warned, it's easy to go to extremes now - and financially this New Moon seems to be a test on HOW MUCH DO YOU REALLY NEED?
Credit cards may get maxed out now, or people are in for some rude awakenings with credit card companies. Only spend what you HAVE and NEED TO. I'm sure I'll be posted some financial twists in the articles of the week ahead....
The New Moon also squares CHIRON, the asteroid of Healing. New information and new ways of doing things are at hand, but we may be so busy caught up in the physical PROBLEMS of our current life situation, we fail to see that if we just stand back and detach (Aquarius) we'll get an overview that shows it's really not that bad.
In short - details seem to be holding us down as we continue to listen TOO MUCH to the "voice of authority" - the news, the government, our parents, and anyone who claims to be above us.
It's time to start asking what WE need, what makes US feel comfortable and moving towards it. Without regret, without worry and most of all without FEAR - a difficult test as the Sun and Moon square Saturn.
Things may seem heavy now, but it's all an illusion, a test to see if you can keep moving towards Yourself - your own core, and what you yourself value.
What do you value?
Whatever you focus on, grows. This New Moon invest in things that make you feel comfy and cared for. Seeds grow in the strangest of places - plant some new ones this Thursday and for the next two weeks, keep it simple, keep it real and give your time and energy to only things you think are worthwhile. Leave the rest and move on...
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