Thankfully it's raining here in Los Angeles at present. Perhaps it's a much needed emotional clenase for a period that focuses so much on aggresssion.
Checking my ephemeris, I notice the Mars-Pluto opposition at work now. Mars, the ruler of the Aries Eclipse, is working in polarity to Pluto (Aries old co-ruler) the planet of Destruction and Detox.
With around 5 fire engines speeding past me today, sirens blaring, a host of angry people at the post office (Mars is currently in Gemini, which rules mail delivery). A series of angry drivers (Gemini transportation) were honking at a Cab Driver (Gemini job) who refused to budge (Mars opposite Pluto demands it YOUR way). About 20 mins later, a girl outside my building was screaming at her boyfriend who claimed she stole his clothes (he was shirtless). Apparantely I missed the next saga, when firemen (aries occupation) showed up as she'd been sprayed in the face with something and needed medical attention. The police showed up and finally, through their intervention the couple parted ways, 'peacefully'.
Anger and aggression are on the menu, but more than that, deeply rooted problems that we hide beneath the rug are being exposed. If you're peeved, you can't hide it. If you're angry about something (mars) then you have to deal with it, dig it out in order for it to be exposed to the light and understood and finally released (pluto).
I expect the weather to continue trying to cleanse or reveal our deat seated Rage (repressed no doubt) with heavy rains reflecting and dousing our heated emotions, or else some possible explosions and earthquakes or volanic activity ahead. Mars & Pluto when they face off remind me of one word: KABOOM!
With Mars in Gemini and Pluto in Sagittarius, the arena of Religion, Law, Communication (free speech etc) media and overseas will figure in these dramas unfolding. We refuse to bite our tongue any longer - BUT - sometimes it's best to say little. A lot of angry people floating around these days are playing in a pinball machine, bouncing off other people who have a chip on their shoulder.
Should you find yourself faced with a situation of stress, you can choose to extricate yourself from it. Mars-Pluto oppositions are about clearing the way - detonating mines and making sure the air is clear (Gemini) for deeper discussions to pave the way for more freedom and space (Sagittarius).
So, find your voice, work out what's bugging you, and face it head on. Try and change the record now and this week, the healing will go pretty deep.
Aries energy is still in effect - find a worthwhile project, and take your heat out on it, or perhaps through sports, the gym, DIY or something physically or mentaly challenging.
Gemini-Sagittarius oppositions find stress mostly through what is THOUGHT or PERCEIVED or COMMUNICATED. You have free-will in how you handle what you hear, or what you think.
Rise Above.
That's the current theme.
The Mars-Pluto energy peaks around April 7/8. I'm sure I'll be posting news of further fighting, explosions and fire energy, and more people speaking out against injustice. It's all a healing and purging, remember.
Let's not forget to Breathe ;) Often we hold our breathe during intense karmic encounters and then our cells store this intensity. Each time we're faced with a similar scene we go into that old space and forget to breathe. With Mars in Gemini, we can de-stress with oxygen so no matter where you are or how hot it gets....don't forget to BREATHE!
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