What are you talking about?
If you're currently on edge, you could read that as aggressive and pushy.
If you're contemplative, you may think it offers a genuine interest in your life.
Perception is everything. Under the Full Moon this month (under the sign of communication - Gemini) we get to see just how our mind holds the key to most things that happen now. Everything is a potential until passed through the filter of our minds.
If we perceive it, we can achieve it. If we see it, we can build it. If we think it, it has a reality to us. Thoughts have wings. If you mind, it matters...if you don't mind it doesn't matter.
That last one is an interesting one if we see 'mind' as meaning "to think about" and 'matter' as manifestation. If we hold it in our minds, we can materialize it on the physical plane now.
The power of emotions cannot be underestimated - not now, at this point in the period of Humanity's shift to a new level. E-motions are energy-in-motion. They fuel everything - the desire to get out of bed in the morning, to flee from danger, to protect ourselves, to help heal someone.
I often think of the EARTH as the HEART Chakra for something much larger. Whether that holds true or not, Full Moons bring home our own most personal truths in the areas of our Charts where they fall.
This month's falls at 12 Degrees Gemini so wherever this falls in our Birth Charts is where the action is. If you don't know your chart, drop me a line and I'll help you out. Feel free to research the rest yourself or allow me to interpret it for you. Details at my site, as always.
This month, everyone falls under the spell of this particular lunar vibration. Are we mentally fulfilled or are we wasting mental energy on thinking over things without adding something new to the pot?
Are your mental records boring you?
This Full Moon we're urged to:
Watch what we say and stop ourselves from speaking negatively, thinking negatively, acting negatively, writing negatively and otherwise engaging in meaningless conflict
Finish up paperwork
Give up an old chip on your shoulder
Resolve disputes with siblings and neighbors
Find something new to chew on
Speak our truth without holding back for fear of being misunderstood
Seek new information and new methods and means of moving ahead
Take the car in for a tune up
Dust the cobwebs from our brains
Get more Oxygen
Take things much more lightly
Decide finally on something you've been wavering on
Keep an open mind
Travel back to our roots (through looking through photos, or else reconnecting with our past with a trip mentally or physically)
Clean up our environment, street, building, hallway, city
Refuse to fall victims to playing a role in someone else's negative "self-speak"
Watch what we are saying and thinking repeatedly (we're building our reality with each)
Write a heartfelt letter
Say it as you see it (or feel it) - feelings can't be judged.
They just 'are' and thus should be accepted (even if not understood or agreed with)
Put your knowledge to use
Read an intense book or watch an intense movie to stir your feelings
Go for a run, jog, hike
Watch for speeding or traffic stress (drivers are more emotional at this time)
As you know by now if you've followed this Blog, Full Moons ask us if we're fulfilled in the area it influences. In Gemini, are we happy with our surroundings, with what we're learning, our level of mental satisfaction? If we're stuck mentally we may have a breakdown now leading to a breakthrough.
One thing is certain - communication is very emotional now both on an inner and outer level. So keep that in mind as you go about your daily life. Traffic trouble is another sign when you're out of these blockages. Energy is either flowing or stuck, remember, so we get to see just where and how during the Full Moon.
Slap on an ipod or mp3 player, walkman or cd player, or find a place of solitude if you can and see what your mind is craving, frustrated over or excited about. It may do well to bit your tongue now, but don't stop yourself from speaking a truth you feel someone needs to hear. You may just pass on a message that is much needed now.
Gemini is ruled by Mercury the Messenger, and this is perhaps the key to this Moon - messages are often relayed to us on riding the wave of Emotion. If you can see past the personal, you'll get to the Universal now. Truth dwells in the quiet moments between sentence.
Do animals need to speak? No. [If they good, I would shudder to think of what they would say to our treatment of a vast number of them. I became a vegetarian based purely on the fact that I cannot hurt or maim and animal, and it would be hypocritical to eat one just because it was served to me already slaughtered on my plate. I have no qualms with anyone eating meat, but for me personally, when I was 17, I suddenly stopped. When I moved to LA I couldn't watch the people fishing at the pier in Santa Monica, because I'm too sensitive to seeing any sort of suffering. I help cockroaches escape my building via a glass. Yeek. Good luck to them!]
We don't need to speak either, at all times. We're either voicing/emoting now or keeping silent. What we choose to talk about or think about defines us now. Are you being defined by the darkness? Are you keeping your mind on the stuff you want, instead of the stuff you're stuck with? Sometimes words do nothing but cause even more problems and tension. I'm of the old school that people need to know what they are doing and the pain it is causing so I find it hard to keep shtum, but I do believe silence often is a good enough reply.
So, what words are flying, what thoughts have wings now?
Under every event, every word spoke, every idea, and every possibility lies a spiritual status-quo that everything is fine, everything is as it should be, and that everything just 'is'. Perhaps our perceptions can be seen for what they are - not reality, but perceptions.
Whatever bugs you at this Full Moon time, in the next two weeks, your perception is likely to be either FOR or AGAINST it. Either side is a bias, of course. If you're truly not happy, then what are you doing to change the situation? How long can you accept it? This is OUR choice and our responsibility (response - ability, the ability to respond to what comes out way).
If you are happy, then know that all things change, but the happiness you see and feel is a reflection of what you are happy with inside.
Each path now leads to the same place, but using our minds, we can decide to follow the more scenic one.
I don't believe any growth necessarily needs to come with pain. Teething, growth spurts, puberty - these do cause tension and strains. But just as a weed can finally find its way through even the thickest concrete, via a small crack, a small possibility, as quietly as night turns to day, so too can we grow by taking the easiest route available at any given time -
by moving continually in the direction of our own Light -
even at times when there appears
to be none.
even at times when there appears
to be none.
This was very good. ACK! I am crabby. This Full Moon was on my Ascendant(17 Gemini). It was directly conjunct my husband's Ascendant (13 Gemini). We are testy, testy, testy.
You said:
Full Moons bring home our own most personal truths in the areas of our Charts where they fall.
I agreee. I am not happy with situations and am rebeling against it all. I need to remember my Grace. Thanks for the reminder to re-member The Light!
Thanks for the message - on your Ascendant you must be feeling the pull pretty strong - great time to call it a day in certain areas as you crawl out of your skin and shed it. I always see that as a symbolic rebirth again.
Nice of you to stop by and share your thoughts - I've been reminded too of the Light around, so easy to let the darkness get you down, isn't it?
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