Life and Style Magazine over in Spain asked me to supply them with an Astrological Gift-Giving Guide for their magazine's special Christmas Edition.
You can read it here and if you're still searching for something for someone, then you'll probably find something perfect for them here!
Material things aside, this season for me is more about "good vibes" - which can be difficult round the Holidays, but I like the magic of this time, because people seem more tuned in to ethereal things and spirit.
Wherever you may be, whatever you may 'believe' and whatever is happening in your life, this is a great time to remember you're not alone, and you're always loved. The Universe watches and provides, if only we open ourselves to it.
Here's to more treasures in 2007 - look out for some changes at the site as the numbers on our calendars change.
And thanks for all your Shared Magic this year!
Much Love,
Neil xxx
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