The New Moon this months falls on Dec 20 at 28 Degrees Sagittarius.
With six planets in the Sagittarius there's no escaping the themes of this sign now. I've noticed numerous news stories involving travel, hiking, the grand outdoors, overindulgence, legal adjustments, religious shifts and even in my personal lives, encounters with people who use the B word - Beliefs.
What do you believe?
At the New Moon we get to look closely at our own version of 'Truth'. Does it fit our new life or are we clutching to old beliefs. A timely question as we approach a Holiday that many now celebrate merely for the twinkling lights and gifts. After all - how many really feel religiously connected to a dated story that spans many religions (same dates, different names)?
Belief rules the world as what we believe, we seem to get - we're living under a Self Fulfilling Prophesy and this New Moon we get to learn something new to help us make a leap into a new world, based on new energy and less on traditions and beliefs we have held just because it seemed like a good idea.
We're ready to open a door, throw open the window and explore the world at large. It's so vast yet we forget, as we move from one box (our bed) to another (our home) to another (our car) to another (the store) to another (the office cubicle) to another (the bus) to another (the coffin!).
No, in all seriousness, it's worth considering where your freedom is this week - and if you can venture past the city limits of your own Comfort Zone.
We're all students and teachers at the same time now - we receive messages and pass them on unknowingly.
This New Moon asks us to:
Get out on a trip somewhere
Pick up a new book, learn a new language, do something totally new
Expand space - clear up at home, move clutter, give yourself leg room and elbow space
Be the free spirit you truly are
Allow others their own space
Redefine your belief system and don't get caught up in holy wars
Stop preaching
Stand for something new - rework your 'message'
Ask yourself - am I being honest or bluffing?
Walk your talk!
Bridge Cultural Divides
Go Horseriding
Tell the truth no matter how painful or nervous it makes you
Find greener grass
Reach for a dream, star, better situation
Laugh - comedy is SO needed now!
Be optimistic, reconnect with your inner faith
Renew your religious or spiritual vows or connections
Ask the Big Questions of your life and Destiny
Publish a new book or get writing
Start a new course or take an exam
Live with integrity
Be an example, even if no one else is doing it
Have faith in the silver lining and the light at the end of the tunnel
Kick up the dust and take off
Put up a map, or map out a new course or destination
Enjoy the journey for what it is
Keep moving!
Visit overseas or a new town, city - anywhere you've not been before!
Keep your mind active and your limbs moving
Sagittarius is the mutable fire sign - think of the forest fires we've heard about so often on the news now. That's sag - spreading wildly, untamed and running free like the Centaur; the symbol of the sign.
See your Bigger Picture. Forget the small stuff and don't sweat the details. Stand back. Gain perspective. Climb a Hill, take a breather, look beyond the current time frame of circumstance and find the bigger meaning.
There's no reason to get bogged down in chilly feelings or emotional potholes now - the road of life is showing us a new horizon, a new exit, a detour to a new place. Are we "present" enough to see this?
Choices open up and once again we see just where our freedom and power lies - in choosing the best for ourselves. You cannot fool someone out of the truth -it's felt in our heart and guts and souls as a bell chiming inside. Truth seeks truth and finds it this week - so the question becomes:
Are you living the life you were born to live?
Anything else is a lie. Honesty isn't the best policy, then.
It's the only one. And assurance (and insurance)
of Bliss, guaranteed.
Anything else is a lie. Honesty isn't the best policy, then.
It's the only one. And assurance (and insurance)
of Bliss, guaranteed.
1 comment:
Hello Neil,
It's almost full Moon time now. The 3rd of January 2007 the Moon will be in 13th degree of Cancer. The Sabian symbol of it is "A Hand With A Prominent Thumb Is Held Out For Study". It'll be in my 1st house.
(The New Moon was in my 6th house). It'll come some undestanding of something important for myself tomorrow, I guess...
I was looking for the Sabian Symbols and keywords for each degree of Zodiac by Dane Rudhyr in Internet and I found your answer at some site.
I'm sorry for mistakes in English. It's not my native language.
I'm Russian...
I'd seen your site. It was interesting and I like it very much.
It was nice to meet you.
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