For November, you can order Two Reports and choose another one completely free.
Since October has been an intense time for most, and November we head towards a retrograde Mars cycle, we could all use some guidance, light relief and some fun!
The Transit Report - if you need help working out what is going on and why? And cycles that are upcoming for you personally. Read more.
The Karmic Insight Report - if you wonder why certain aspects of your life keep repeating and what you're still 'working on' from the past (this life and others).
Also highlights gifts and strengths. See sample.
The Full Natal Report - is a mammoth read, over 80 pages packed with info on why you are the way you are, why you chose this particular life and all the ins and quirky outs of your personality and path. Check it out.
The Solar Return Report - if you just had a birthday or have one soon, and want to know what the entire next 12 months is all about for you. Take a look.
They are all awesome for various reasons and purposes.
Choose from the full selection here
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