The Sun has just moved into Pisces.
Can you feel it? Suddenly your eyes glass over and the only urge you have is to pull up a seat in front of a movie, sink into a jacuzzi, spend 30 minutes longer in the shower, walk in the pouring rain, finish an entire pot of ice cream, write a love song,use watercolors, let the mess build up while you catch up on extra sleep, lose your head in a sexual high or an emotional low....
The list goes on.
Now we're in Pisces season, a lot of things begin to slide. it's hard to to stay focused and disciplined. Weird things start happening like you suddenly know it's not safe to walk down the left hand side of the sreeet (but you don't know why so you cross over and continue). You feel you should pick a book off a shelf and randomly read - and end up pulling to a page that mentions the name of your dog (that no one knew).
We put it down to coincidence, but in Pisces season could it be more? Sychronicity is everywhere - you run into someone you were thinking about. Someone else calls you just before you were going to call or email them. You guess who'll win the race.
Pulling away from the mainstream was the focus during Aquarius Season (last month) but now we take it even further. Some of us will hide out in our unconscious, to create, to dream to hide from the realities outside our doors, whilst others will hide in the company of others, the bottle, food, sex.

The bottom line? We're seeking to reconnect spiritually to something, someone ANYTHING that will give us a reason to get up each morning. After all, none of life makes any sense now, so why not just float along and get lost? It'd be easy - but where is the spiritual discipline or progress in that?
By all means now is it the time to float along. Sometimes doing nothing makes things 'right' again - the stains come out in the wash so to speak.
Other times, we needto resist going over the edge by paddling like a maniac. If you're easily addicted, now's the time you need to watch it - the urge is there and ENABLERS are everywhere!
Creative souls can find their muse, or rediscover something lost or forgotten. Dreams become symbols, messages from the unconscious.
Spot the clues, listen to the silence, feel between the lines and Follow Your Intuition - now's the time when you'll find some magical miracles manifesting if you're awake long enough.
Find your High - and no, I don't mean drink or drugs - there are other ways. However the indulgences will continue - and I'm sure we'll hear of some reports of people going off the deep end - overdoses, 'accidental' slippings-over-to-the-other-side.
The ocean is Neptunes domain - our collective unconscious as well as our physical oceans. Expect news and rumblings from beneath. Dare you dive down? Look for clues now in the collective unconscious that will give us messages as to what is lying in store for us in the next year. Now's the time when if we listen and most importantly FEEL, we'll find out.
Swim against the tide, then surf, cruise, coast, skinny-dip, paddle, dive, float, but above all - keep swimming.
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