For anyone wishing to know more about the current Earth shifts, how to manage energy and understand a little more about the 'topsy turvy' times we live in, I have found the Barbara Marciniak series of book a fascinating read - chiming those inner bells of truth.

They are magical, fun, insightful and if I'm having a stressful day, they remind me of my centre. perhaps they'll do the same for you - their vibration feels high, and everyone I have mentioned them to, seems to feel the same way.
Barbara's books are: Earth, Family of Light, Bringers of the Dawn & Path of Empowerment.

I hope you find these books of as much value as I have - they're truly worth checking out. I have never been a fan of 'channeled' material, but the voice within these books, to me, made sense, and seemed to carry gems of wisdom that can help us navigate our internal worlds, especially during this important time.
The Mayan calendar ends in 2012, and these books touch upon this and many other subjects, including the manipulation of energy by the 'World Management team', the use of sexual energy to shift reality, and paradigm-busting. Fun stuff - does it resonate with you?
You can find out more at http://www.pleiadians.com/dawn.htm.
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