The New Moon on Monday Jan 27 falls at 9Pisces opening up a doorway to another dimension, a peak into what lies beyond the physical plane of reality we all buy into, and offers us a chance to once again glimpse our souls as the fog of reality lifts, or to be exact, a neptunian haze decends on our daily life, confusing the status quo and rigid structure, dissolving what we believe to be real, so that, in the chaos and confusion we catch sight of the things that outlast and outwit time and space.
Pisces is the sign that knocks down walls, erases borders, dilutes concentrated energy and like a damn bursting, lets the water of our unconscious seep through into conscious awareness. It's cleansing - as is water the element it represents - and gives us a way out of any dilemma we currently find ourselves in...by way of Surrender.
As the final sign, Piscean energy is a composite of all the other signs, but with a twist - with the knowledge of the ego stages of soul-growth (aries to aquarius) Pisces energy is simulatanouely aware of its ego and lack thereof, picking up clues and hints and energies as well as sensing others egos around. Just as the sign of Pisces represents two fish swimming in different directions, there is always a duality to the final sign and duality represents choice - to follow the callings of the Higher Self (or Soul) or to follow the dictates of its earthy counterpart - in short, to invest emotional energy (which Pisces is composed mostly of) on temporal or eternal matters.

This New Moon, on Feb 27 reminds us of the power of Surrender - a grand Letting Go. If you've checked out the main page of my site, you'll see the new updated content and feel, (I, myself am a Pisces, so the New Moon in my 4th House (foundations, home) seemed a fitting time to release the new energy, since it's my own abode in cyberspace!
Notice the 'theme of the month' - the moments in life we seem to enjoy the most relate to surrender, a sort of 'letting go' and 'allowing':
Sneezing - if you block the energy flow, it can do damage!
Peeing after a long, LONG wait - need we say more?
Orgasm - the ultimate release
Crying - relieves internal pressure, massages the heart (emotional centre)
Rollercoasters - the ego is forced to surrender and trust (when was your last scream?)
Sleeping - the act of falling asleep calls for a letting go, allowing
Anything that asks you to dive in - playing the piano, painting, singing, dancing - if it calls for a soul expression, Piscean energy is found in abundance. The simple act of Letting Go manifests miracles now - what can you loosen your grip on?
As Neptune is the ruler of this month's final New Moon, it's a fitting time to simulatenously Let Go of addictions - alcohol, drugs, television, sex, food - whatever gives you your buzz and you 'can't live without'. Unhealthy relationship patterns that drain, give you a heavy feeling, make your stomach uncomfortable, feel restriced - they all need to change, and they can if you let them go during this time.
Energy flows - it's nature's way. When it's blocked, decay begins. This New Moon take a look at where these signs are, and if possible, pull in the dams, break the floodgates and let it out, let it move on, or do so yourself - it's the ultimate act of surrender, to Chart A Course While Letting Things Take Their Course.
Is there a higher purpose and a higher reason in your life now?
It's out of your hands for now, in many ways. Which doesn't mean to quit, opt out or give up (negative Piscea traits). The simultaneous fish we have yet to discuss asks us to follow it by introducing something NEW into our lives at this New Moon as always.

Meditation - a morning 'unplugging' from technology, phones, people etc. A moment to gather yourself. Flip a tarot card, find your meaning for the day. Find your focus. Let things fall into place.
Yoga - a fluid movement which allows energy to flow through the body.
Swimming - graceful, elegant, very healthy and a Piscean dream - escaping to the water.
Drinking more water - okay, so include juice (my current favorite is kiwi-strawberry, 100% mind you, no added sugar) but make it all natural. MORE WATER is essential now, to keep your emotional balance.
Cry, laugh, giggle, sigh - let your feelings out more. be honest. If you're uncomfortable, say so.
Focus your intention and invest emotionally in what makes you Feel Good - simple as that - let draining energy move on, or move on without it. Is it really necessary?
Linda Goodman once said "if it was negative it didn't happen...except in the world of illusion"
See beyond the "maya" - illusion. Watch movies like the Matrix, The Truman Show, The 13th floor, The Island - they contain themes that pertain to life on earth. There's more going on that meets the eye, remember that.
Do I have all the answers? Hell, no. And therein lies the joy of life - no one has the ulimate truth.
This New Moon, Spirit calls - will you hear, and what will you do when you glimpse 'Soul'?
Escape into yourself, chart your inner waters, how about checking out your own Past Life or Karmic Insight Report (they're 50% discounted for Piscean season on the site). My gift to you.
I hope you all enjoy this Piscean New Moon as much as I know I shall.
Life's easy when you allow. What greater power is there than bowing down to Nature's majesty - there's comfort, safety and power in moving with the Earth. As we rotate through the galaxy, who knows where we'll end up by 2012. I just know that we can do our part by finding out centre, and standing firm within in. That's Authentic Living.
It's a great time to explore Astrology further - if I can help out with that, then drop me a line. Or happy navigate the waters yourself - what a time to dive in.
The Great Letting Go begins on Jan 27 - boy voyage!
Neil xx (one for each fish)
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