Two paths open up. One leads further into the forest. The other is well-lit, well-worn and signposted. Which would you take?
A new job offer - same pay, better prospects, one is 15,000 miles from your current home. Which path do you choose?
A boyfriend and a lover. One gives you stability, the other a frigging good time. Long-term satisfaction or long term security?
Some choices aren't as easy, or difficult (all is relative, perspective is everything when it comes to choice).
As Mars moves into Gemini two (or more) options open up. Communication becomes more direct - you'll notice the number of people arguing increases these days. The number of people on cell phones increases. Traffic is faster. More mail arrives. Email buzzes. The mailman seems a little irritated, and people just seem busy.
Where is the angry driver going in such a hurry? Why is the supermarket line so agitated? Everyone seems so busy, rushing here and there - with what purpose?
Communication is KEY now - talking is better than sitting in silence - but remember, something saying less is actually more. If it's not polite you're not as inclined to keep it a secret. Watch your tongue. Get it in writing. Think it through. Slow down (traffic ticket cops are waiting!)
Mars is Gemini reminds us that option = freedom = power. At the end of the day, if you have the right to choose, you have the tool of creation at your disposal - you have the choice to change path, decision, direction at ANY moment, exchanging pain and pressure for ease and enjoyment.
If Mars governs how we use our energy, there's a hell of a lot of action, commotion, commuting, shouting, talking, muttering, writing, typing (expect some heated debates or messages in your email box). Siblings appear again reminding us of perhaps a road we never chose - they get to play out another possibility.
Remember in the matrix of 'reality' we live within, in the physical realm, every choice is covered. We live in the NOW - where everything happens simulataeously. Expect a person to appear to remind you of what you did or didn't do - the job you didn't take, the relationship pain you could have endured. They serve as reminders for locating yourself in Space and Time in THIS reality - by showing you how you arrived at your current location.
Where to now?
Mars continues to throw open new doors, possibilities and options.
Is it quality or quantity that matters? perhaps we won't know until we've exhausted all possible options, leaving no stone unturned until we realize just what works for us.
We DO have a second chance under Mars in Gemini. Choose wisely!
Twin Love & hugs,
Neil xxx
P.S If your phone or car has issues now, or you have other breaks in communication or movement, maybe it's a sign to slow down, get your brain in gear FIRST. Take technology in for a check-up, to be sure. Slowing down can only help now, nothing is THAT urgent....
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