The Aries New Moon on March 29 is a special one. Not only is it a springboard into Spring itself, (Aries is the sign of initiation, a new cycle) but it coincides with a Solar Eclipse.
The last time there was a solar eclipse at this degree was March 29, 1987 (it's worth going back in time to see what relevance this date carries for you).
This is a north nodal eclipse, suggesting that we are being called to develop new skills and talents through independent effort.
Sabian Symbol: 9 Aries"A Crystal Gazer"
The symbolic degree interpretation of this particular eclipse suggests concentrating attention to see the whole picture. We'll see how this image imprints itself upon the collective unconscious - but it does suggest we'll be asked to look beyond surface impressions for the deeper meaning in forthcoming events.
The map above (find out more at the website for an animated look at the Eclipse Path) shows where the Eclipse can be witnessed. Astrological Lore states that areas that get to see a total eclipse are areas that may fall under the 'spell' of the eclipse's effect - causing dramatic events and the unfolding of what would appear as 'karmic' energies to those without astrological understanding.
And so it is karmic in some ways - this Solar Eclipse creates a purging of Ego energy, with a burst of fire and dynamite power that is sure to give us a wake-up call of sorts.
Since ARIES is FIRE we may actually witness explosions, firearms, volcanoes or dramatic fires on the news itself. In the US chart, the Eclipse could bring fire in governmental offices, or society gets to see the impact of yet more aggression.
SInce CHIRON plays its maverick hand in this eclipse, at 8Aquarius, we get a welcome relief in the knowledge that the eclipse events are a healing on a collective level, to bring us closer together. We're a collective, and we can't escape this fact. No amount of Aries ego can ever burn out the Aquarian ideal for equality. Selfishness WON'T win out in this round, but it will try its hand in a number of ways.
The 'male' energy of this eclipse will be evident in a number of movies, films, tv shows and stories concerning either Arian folk or those with Aries traits - fighters (fire/police etc), athletes, military folk or those with a brawl mentality. MALENESS is shoved into the spotlight in all its glory (or ungodliness).
With a trine to SATURN, we'll get to USE the energies of this eclipse well - what's the point in Astrology unless you A - Learn and B - Implement your knowledge. This Eclipse motivates us to DO something - after all Aries energy needs an outlet.
In short - the Aries Solar Eclipse gives us all an edge and an understanding of what we need to do, to get what we want. Selfishness should become selfhood - whereby a deep underatanding of our wants and needs, leads us to furthering actions that lead to the satiation of these desires.
Of course, Aries energy rarely burns out - so we'll get to see what can happen if you push-puhs-push too far.
Expressing Aries NOW NOW NOW CRASH BOOM BANG energy in a healthy and constructive way is tough - build a wall, run a marathon, hit the gym twice a day, take up squash. Champion something - fight FOR something not against something.
What fires are you ready to fuel?
As for anger - it's so easy, why even bother! Irritabiloility, road-rage - if you're operating under the lower dimension of Aries, you'll have a whole host of annoyances about to appear. If you're taking the higher path you don't have enough time to complain or fight, you are busying yourself and using every ounce of your strength, making something better.
And that's where Chiron in Aquarius comes in - better your own world (Aries) you heal the whole (Aquarius). Is there anything more practical (Saturn)?
So many possibilities - but one thing can certainly be said - tectonic plates will move, we will see red, and we will be fueled up for something - but is it our OWN agenda, or are we being pushed to take our Aries repressed anger out on something else (media manipulation?).
As always, there's a choice - to be lambs of peace or Rams of Wrath.
I'll have more for you as it comes in. Weather shifts, earthquakes - the potentials for dramatic turnarounds and the initiation of a whole new "saga" on the world front, seems so simply easy now, there's a high chance the months ahead will lead us into a new chapter.
As always, the timing is dependent on so many factors - Solar Eclipses seem to last a year - or until the point is triggered by transiting planets.
Find 8/9 Degrees Aries in your own chart and see what's about to rumble. Give it a spring clean and START something in that area. You'll be amazed where it'll be a year from now.
This Eclipse reminds me of a cheerleader chant I hear today on the set of the new pilot I'm shooting - one of my co-stars suddenly shouted, 'BE AGGRESSIVE! BE - E - AGGRESSIVE!'
Just make sure you know when to quit, huh...
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