People love peddling the Truth when Jupiter goes Retrograde.

Jupiter, the planet of Knowledge & Wisdom goes inward asking us to question our own inner Truths. Are you sure what you believe in, is accurate? Do you have First Hand experience of what you're talking about, or is it something of the 'teaching-preaching' type - ie, you heard it, read it or were told about it?
Whose truth is it?
The months ahead will try and sell us many varied versions of the same story. Every one is accurate and truthful of course, from their own perspective and that's just it: Perspective is Everything.
If you haven't directly experienced something, how do you know it's true?
FAITH comes into question now - from Jupiter Retrograde issues with Religion (expect a questioning of validity, "we need proof" and the search for something intangible - will we find it?) Jupiter relates to LAW so there'll be a lot of people going back to court (retrograde). Jupiter is EDUCATION - school strikes, or old laws being reintroduced, education reform - these are areas to look to in the coming months as people begin to grumble about the laws holding things together.
Sometimes we HAVE no proof and no book, teacher or newspaper holds the knowledge we seek. And therein lies the beauty between now and July 6 - we have ourselves, and our direct experience. We also have that magical thing called Faith, Optimism, and a belief in a higher power, "good luck", providence or 'serendipity'. The Jewish faith calls it 'B'shert - meant to be.
Finding what you believe in, and then questioning it, is a tall order. After all, reality is created by a set of agreed upon 'beliefs'. Change your belief, change your perception, which changes your reality. Pretty big stuff - but what else do you expect from the biggest planet?
Jupiter brings up old teachings, old information and old beliefs that are ready to fall by the wayside. Archaic ritual will be replaced with new and fresh insights of what is REALLY happening. Can you stay present and OPEN to the new information ready to pour in?
Our intuition (inner tuition) is remarkable, and with so much energy in Pisces along with Mercury going retrograde now, all we seek is inside - our outer world will continue to mirror the conflicts or peace we have on the inside.
Keep your inner ear open and your eyes glues to the TV inside yourself, where news comes 24/7 by way of intuition and direct experience. Everything you need is there - with no monthly fee..
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