Mercury the Messenger Planet goes Retro in Pisces - and you've all heard the numerous stories of how disasterous that is, blah blah - half of it's true and half of it is old Astrological hoo-hah, so let's get it all straightened out.
1. Mercury relates to cars, computers, phones, messages, mailmen/boxes, the Post Office, paperwork, pens, documents, folders, watches, highways, freeways, roads, wheels, engines, conversations, whispers, shouting, walkmans, cellphones, pagers - get the picture?
These areas can begin to glitch, twitch and malfunction if we're not using them properly - as a message to stop forcing things in the OUTER world so much. It slows us down to deal with things - are we using these Mercury tools in the best possible way? If we experience problems, probably not. (This is where the car trouble computer issues, mail annoyances, conversation miscommunications come in - along with traffic and travel tediousness...so slow down and have a Plan B).
2. When Mercury goes Retrograde its energy turns INWARD. Do we start listening to ourselves? Talking to ourselves? Replying to ourselves?
3. Not usually. It's frowned upon in today's world (if you talk to God you're religious, if you talk to yourself you're mad etc...) Well if we DID, we'd have a hell of a better time - especially in the next few weeks.
So what can we expect?
4. In Pisces, Mercury is anything but logical. Forget trying to even LOCATE the logic in life right now. The joke is on you if you try to. Some things cannot be held in the mind - but they can be beheld in the Mind's Eye - and that's the beauty of this cycle - creative visualization now can lead to physical manifestation later.
5. If everything is energy and things are build first in the mind, then using Mercurys inward focused energy path (in Pisces one of the most inner-directed signs there is), then we should be careful what we dwell on now. If you want it, build it within.
6. Dreams become really cool - we get messages and hints at where to go and what to do next.
7. Our intuition (tuition from within, ie: inner knowledge) picks up. We get amazing hunches. We just somehow KNOW.
8. Escapism is sold globally - take a pill, overdrink, watch more TV - just do ANYTHING but listen to your soul. We want your attention, we want your minds we want your money - in short, you lose your connection to your mind and therefore your freedom of choice if you succumb to the pre-packaged confusion that is sure to reign at this time.
9. What confusion? Stay tuned. The news is sure to kick up some HUGE QUESTIONS - some 'whoops we did WHAT' type news. Things get lost. Lost things reappear. Someone's huge lie is seen by the entire globe. Sleight of hand is also in the air (Pisces is a good smokescreen sign). Is it truth? Trust no one but yourself (Fox Mulder would love this cycle).
10. Water features in our lives and in symbols, in the news and so forth. Are we about to discover something in the ocean? Atlantis? That'd be cool, if it weren't for the fact I think we're already re-living Atlantis in the US with its current symbolism and blatant current direction (Research The Sons of Belial and The Law of One for more on Atlantis and todays reflections).
Strange things happen around, on, or in water - the seas, oceans, ponds, rivers - even in our own drinking supply. Hmm, odd things indeed. Is that Uranus and the Sun highlighting some watery issues - water being a sign of our collective unconscious. Demons ready to surface? or perhaps some gem of wisdom we sorely need to rediscover. Perhaps both.
Keep swimming and stay tuned.
To get back to what is likely to manifest....Pisces Mercurial energy is creative - it's amazing to tap into old works - the old novel you didn't finish, the screenplay, the song lyrics, poem or perhaps the painting that's nearly done.
RE - it's a 're' time - 'reinvent' re-discover' 'recycle' re-do' re-address - etc etc. The PAST comes back (especially for Pisceans) and it's time to draw some lines on what you want to take with you and what needs to stay in the past. Decipher why it happened, why it's happening again and choose to do something about it.
Inner swimming - learning to GO WITH THE FLOW and also to follow the dictates of WHAT FEEL RIGHT NO MATTER WHAT OUTER VOICE CONTRADICTS US.
Can you trust yourself?
We'll find out in the next two weeks. get creative, avoid the liars, cheats, thieves - within yourself first, because that's where it all begins, and then get back to using your PISCES DOLPHIN SONAR that we all have inside - trust it, sense and feel your way ahead and forget logic, sometimes you'll never know, unless you trust and go.
FORECASTS FOR THOSE CURIOUS, check the next post!
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