: Aries and Aries Ascendant: This Mercury Retrograde cycle affects your twelfth house of all that lies beneath the surface of things. Keep an eye out for deceptiveness and falseness in others. Clear karma - old 'stuff' returns. Let go, for god's sake. Learn to use your psychic senses. Spend mental time outs 'finding yourself'. Be alone. Create something ethereal. Chill.
Taurus and Taurus Ascendant: This Mercury Retrograde cycle affects your eleventh house of friendships, groups, and aspirations. Miscommunications with friends - very likely. Decisions surrounding finances, romantic partners and creative endeavors may not be that strong - be careful when signing or agreeing unless you know the bottom line. Risks? A-No!
Gemini and Gemini Ascendant: This Mercury Retrograde cycle affects your tenth house of career and reputation. Mercury being your ruling sign take into account all we said earlier about the ramifications of the Retro cycle. Slow down, finish what you start. Backtrack. Edit. Polish. Don't push!
Cancer and Cancer Ascendant: This Mercury Retrograde cycle affects your your ninth house of faith and adventure. Seeing the bigger picture, the whole story?? I don't think so. Careful - religious wars of trying to be right land you in hot, hot water! Travel plans could change on you.
Leo and Leo Ascendant: This Mercury Retrograde cycle affects your eighth house of intimacy, shared resources, and personal transformation. Money or any shared/joint resources, filing taxes, and loved ones throw you tests and challenges - don't bite the hand that feeds you. Be honest and above-board and you got nothing to worry about.
Virgo and Virgo Ascendant: This Mercury Retrograde cycle affects your seventh house of one-to-one partnerships. Misunderstandings with your partner? Guaranteed if you don't learn to LISTEN! Talk through issues but wait, did you truly understand? And are you telling them where YOU stand?
Libra and Libra Ascendant: This Mercury Retrograde cycle affects your sixth house of work, health, and habits. Details fly out the window - oops, you just 'forgot' or you lose your keys or important documents. CHange your schedule by doing something different, if it's not working don't fix it, try another way.
Scorpio and Scorpio Ascendant: This Mercury Retrograde cycle affects your fifth house of romance, speculation, entertainment, and children. Invites don't work out, the party's canceled. Children act up. Dates don't show or they lied about themselves. FInish creative projects though, and work on that ego of yours! Humility goes a LONG way, Scorp!
Sagittarius and Sagittarius Ascendant: This Mercury Retrograde cycle affects your fourth house of home and family. Home improvement could lead to a change that leads to a change - but remember, change is good. Moving or settling? Don't expect the usual. The past returns again for one last kiss goodbye. Let it go, please...
Capricorn and Capricorn Ascendant: This Mercury Retrograde cycle affects your third house of communication, siblings, and neighbors. People don't listen or hear. You don't. Miscommunications, car troubles, travel stress, losing things - problems with everything we mentioned in the first paragraphs of the blog - phew, slow down Goats. Check details and if you're unsure, Don't Do a Thing for now.
Aquarius and Aquarius Ascendant: This Mercury Retrograde cycle affects your second house of money and values. Hold off on decision-making regarding your personal finances. Filing your taxes or apply for a loans isn't wise - are you sure it's all correct? . Rethink your sources of income and how you spend your cash! Keep an eye on your wallet and statements.
Pisces and Pisces Ascendant: Mercury is retrograde in your sign. Others might misunderstand what you have to say. Go inside and get to know yourself better - a pit stop, a reality check. A change of appearance is worth a go but you may not keep it. Find your voice. Tap into what YOU want, forget others for a period. Alone time is good, soothe your soul just don't get lost!
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