I find it fitting to stumble across news of the RAM - which is set to impress itself upon the collective consciousness with the oncoming Solar Eclipse In Aries - the sign of the Ram, today.
This news story ran today too, moments away from the time of the Eclipse.
Two reclusive rams found in NZ
March 29, 2006 - 5:35PM
Two years ago, Shrek the sheep wowed the world with his massive growth of wool.
Now two reclusive rams have been discovered near Shrek's stamping ground in New Zealand with fleece lengths to rival that of the famous wether.
Named Tweedledum and Tweedledee, the pair of merino-english leicester sheep are about eight years old and have never been shorn, the Otago Daily Times reported.
Locals in the South Island town of Tarras say the rams are at least as woolly as Shrek before the celebrity sheep was shorn.
Photos of Shrek and his full-body afro were published around the globe in 2004 when he was captured on nearby Bendigo Station after six years without facing the clippers.
His wool was shorn and sold at exorbitant prices for charity and Shrek toured New Zealand, including a trip to the capital Wellington to meet Prime Minister Helen Clark.
Farmer Michael Hayman told the paper that Tweedledum and Tweedledee had lived on a river island and may have been lured out of seclusion by the recent arrival 600 ewes.
He discovered them two weeks ago after long hearing rumours of phantom sheep on the island.
But the woolly pair may not enjoy as much fame as Shrek as Hayman said he soon planned to "defrock" them.
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