The Lunar Eclipse on March 14 falls at 24Virgo.
I always look to Eclipses to shake up weather patterns. So the next 6 months (a typical manifestation period it seems for Lunar Eclipses, though they can continue longer) should create a few tectonic plate shifts - first on the emotional level (as Lunar Eclipses do, the Moon being our emotional source) and thus finally, manifested on the physical level. Perhaps we'll see nothing until after this period is over, but the ripples begin and sensitive souls will surely feel them.
Note: Solar Eclipses create more weather patterns as far as tectonic plates go - the Sun having a direct impact on more physical aspects of our lives - egos in particular. Stay tuned for the March 29 Aries Eclipse, article to be posted soon.

Back to the Lunar Eclipse for now:
In Virgo, this Eclipse highlights obvious places in our lives that no longer 'work'. Energy is blocked. Emotions cause a dam to build. Things break down - and so it begins. Health deteriorates, jobs cave in, bodies crumble and things begin to get messy.
Virgo detests mess, but this period helps us deal with it - you can't sweep a room (Virgo) until you look at what's hidden beneath the rug (Pisces). Since the Sun is in Pisces opposing the Virgo Moon at this Eclipse, we need both sides of the seesaw to navigate ahead. But somehow, in some way, the chaos in our lives is about to be picked up for what it is - clutter that we no longer need.
This Lunar Eclipse is like a major Full Moon cleansing - which is a great thing to, in the sign of Virgo which relates to health and healing on many levels. I notice some people with an abundance of 6th House planets are healers in many areas of life. Caretakers who know how to nurture and truly heal at a deep level - they know dis-ease is a sign that comfort levels have been breached (pisces) and some sort of system needs to be brought back, so that a physical order (virgo) can be maintained.
Our jobs and what we feel useful doing come into question - I expect a lot of people to be truly unhappy at this point, as the news will begin to tell us - unemployment or other job related issues. Are people feeling useful, helpful (or helped)? Service jobs are sure to feel the effects - from a waiter who 'goes postal' to a hairdresser who just about scalps someone because they can't stand the petty and mindless day to day 'stuff'.
The fabric of our daily lives will change - perhaps a new calendar is hung or an old one torn down. perhaps a new clock is set at a new time, or else an old pattern of waking/sleeping is experienced.
There's never been a better time to work on our health - expect some new radical breakthroughs that are actually very simple. Virgo isn't all flashy lights and bells, it just is simple and it works. There's no way round it - clear health comes from the 6th house of our chart - which is ruled by Mercury. Health comes first from the MIND. We can think ourselves back to full health. We need Virgo order though. We need exercise and fruit and vegetables. We need fresh things and fresh energy. We need to change our schedules, our rituals, our habits.
This Full Moon Eclipse changes what you do, how you do it, and why.
Big stuff. But awesome in that if it isn't working, you'll soon see. Your choice - to fix it, fine-tune it, or decide it no longer can be repaired or it's had its time.
Keep it SIMPLE.
As one Virgo told me, all you need is LOVE and SERVICE.
Remember that, when emotions run high and you wonder why you're getting so worked up over something so small, so insignificant and truly something so unimportant.
If it bothers you, fix it, or stop complaining!
I'll catch you on the other side, when the dust settles - have your hoover ready...
Any competent astrologer will know the rule of eclipses: "For every HOUR that the Sun is eclipsed in a Solar Eclipse, the effects (or shadow of the eclipse) lasts ONE YEAR. For every HOUR that the Moon is eclipsed in a Lunar Eclipse, the effects (or shadow of the eclipse) lasts ONE MONTH."
It is rare to find an eclipse whose totality lasts an hour--but there have been some. This Lunar Eclipse doesn't, and the effects (and length of them) that you discuss for this eclipse are erroneous.
There is no firm and fast rule to these concepts - a six month window gives plenty of time for energies to map out - after all, time isn't linear - energies can remain around for a long time.
Your idea that things are times to specific hour windows and days is nice in theory, but in practice is astrologically unrealistic.
In my experience they prove too unstable - and people, with their own free-will, are unpredictable at best.
I merely am describing the general energies at play here. How (and how long) people choose to harness, ue or are unconsciously effected by these Eclipse is a personal choice, dictated by the Higher Self or Lower ego nature of each individual. To expect otherwise would be erroneous on my part or on the part of any Astrologer.
Most Astrologers claim the Eclipses last 6 months in their potency and I am happy to give this wide berth to these energies playing out - I have neither claimed evidence to support this or negate this.
As always we are open to information, so thanks for your input!
As a follow up to this thread, I tend to follow Charles Carter's thoughts on the 'timing of the eclipses'.
For those interested in what he feels on the matter, you can read more at http://www.skyscript.co.uk/eclipsecarter.html#top.
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